Friday, July 08, 2005

Images of Women- interesting book

It is a great book for looking at the portrayal of women in photography of the middle east 1860-1950.

ISBN 0-704325411

" Rather than making complete films, students were given exercises designed to explore particular rules and conventions of 'film grammer' - an approach which partly derived from the work of the Soviet film-maker and montage theoriest V.I. Pudovkin." Pudovkin 1929 from Making Media p3

Eisenstein's Potemkin

"Key Question, however, is whether audiences learn these systems simply through their experiences of viewing, by a form of osmosis; or whether media educationalists actively need to teach the 'rules' of film grammar and syntax." p 18 making media

Bethel, A. (1981). EyeOpeners One and Two, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

more bibliography is


This research guide to the United Kingdom’s twelve public sector moving image archives presents detailed information on these fascinating and valuable film and television collections.

practical work:
1. as self-expression, aesthetics
2. as a method of learning - researching material, oral history project, promote 'social and communication skills'
3. as vocational training, employment
4. as deconstruction


"1. why am i taking this photograph? what is my role? who is involved? who took this photo and why? agency
2. what sort of photo is this going to be (family)? what sort of photo is it? category
3. what sort of technology am i using (type of camera)? how was it produced? technology
4. what choices can i make about what the photo will look like (framing, distance, angle)? how do i make sense of it? language
5. who is going to see this photo? in what circumstance or context will they see it? who is the intended audience? audience
6. what do i want to show in this photograph? what does it say about athletics/ women? representation
" from media education introduction pp202-203
agency/ category/ technology/ language/ audience/ representation


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